Mary Crorkan
1827 - - 1881
At this point, virtually nothing is known about the Crorkan family. On the 1855 birth registration of Mary Markey (Mary Crorkan's second child with John Markey), a birthplace of Tulleycorbet, ( county Monaghan) Ireland is given for Mary Crorkan, along with the text, "formerly Hannoway" and the information that this was her 6th child.
Based on this information, one can infer that Mary Crorkan of Tulleycorbet, Ireland, married a man by the name of Hannoway and had 4 children before being widowed (sometime prior to her 1853 marriage to John Markey). Supposing that this was true, Kay looked in a census of County Fife, Carnock Parish, for 1851, and found a "James Hannoway, married to a Mary, with 2 children." One can suppose that the other children did not survive, or that at least 1 more was born between 1851 and 1853. We think that Mary lived from about 1829 to about 1880. As all official records from Tulleycorbet were destroyed in the early 20th century, we may never learn too much about her family in Ireland.
Kay has been contacted (on the basis of an internet message board inquiry) by a descendant of a son of James Hannoway and Mary Crorkan. He curretly lives in northern England and they are trying to reconstruct some family history together. Similarly, Kay has found 2 other second cousins, once removed who both derive from the first child of Mary Crorkan and John Markey, Bridget Markey (who married Owen McGuiggan). Finding these long-lost relatives has been a great pleasure for Kay. She has even visited (was hosted by) one of them, who resided in Edinburgh, Scotland until her untimely death in 2011. When Kay and George visited South Africa in 2018, they were able to meet another descendant of Bridget Markey, Ian McGuiggan, whose father, John, was Kay's 2nd cousin.